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Find and book in-house services

The Chief Technology Office team provides services to DDaT teams, including recruitment help and design and accessibility audits.


  • Access needs consultancy

    This can be a face to face or remote consultation to help you make sure your IT or digital service is accessible to users with...

  • Accessibility audit

    An accessibility expert will work with you to check your service is compliant with WCAG accessibility standards. You’ll receive a report detailing any issues found,...

  • Accessibility heuristic review

    A heuristic accessibility review is an inspection of how your service is built by a Home Office accessibility expert. It will identify barriers for people...


  • Project kick off

    Start your project the right way to increase your chance of success. We can support you at the beginning of your project, when your team...


  • Moving from paper to online services

    Design and test appropriate methods that will help move people from paper to online services. You’ll get a summary of findings and a detailed report....

  • Content and interaction design review

    Content and design experts will look at the content and user interactions in your service. They will assess style and patterns, offering advice and recommendations...

  • Content strategy consultancy

    A good content strategy will help you achieve clear, concise and consistent content across an end to end service, including digital and offline formats. Content...

  • Design critique

    A short, structured design critique for interaction designers. These peer to peer sessions are a collaborative way to help solve design issues, give another perspective...

  • Design sprints

    A design sprint can kick-start an alpha, so you don’t waste time building the wrong thing. It will help you answer key questions and assumptions...

  • Naming your service

    Choosing the right name for your service helps users find it more easily, understand what it does, and decide whether to use it. This workshop...

Engineering and architecture

  • Engineering consultation

    A developer from the Chief Technology Office for Engineering and Architecture will join your team for 4 weeks (2 sprints). They will help you to...

Performance analytics

  • Web analytics consultancy

    How to understand and use data generated by analytic tools so you can monitor interactions and begin to measure performance. You’ll receive a written summary...


  • Developer and devops engineer recruitment support

    We can provide recruitment resources to help you attract the best candidates. Resources include: job specifications technical tests for candidates guidance and advice on the...

  • Recruitment support

    We can help you recruit permanent staff, contractors and consultancy workers. Resources include: job specifications marketing job adverts help to sift applications and interview candidates...

Service Standard and assessments

  • How to book a Home Office internal assessment

    All Home Office digital and technology services need either a Home Office or GDS assessment. Email CentreOfExcellenceCentral@digital.homeoffice.gov.uk to find out which one you need and...

  • Practice service assessment

    A rehearsal alpha, beta or live assessment to help you prepare for your service’s real GDS assessment. This practice session is for services with over...

  • Digital Service Standard health check

    Discover where your service is against the Digital Service Standard. We’ll provide feedback and advice on developing your service. Follow-up advice is also available. Related...

User research

  • Assisted digital consultancy

    Help and advice for user researchers on meeting their service’s assisted digital requirements. Experts will assess project research in line with point 14 of the...

  • Ethics consultancy

    Advice for user researchers on complying with data protection legislation (GDPR) and meeting the Market Research Society’s Code of Conduct. Advice can be face to...

  • Recruit user research participants

    Get help with planning and finding people for research and usability testing. Research Services will work with you to create a tailored recruitment plan based...

  • Ethics board approval

    You must get ethics board approval if you plan to recruit user research participants from certain groups. These include people who: are prisoners or offenders...

  • User research lab

    Test your service at the user research labs at Metro Point in Croydon and Vulcan House in Sheffield. Booking the lab ​Email researchservices@digital.homeoffice.gov.uk to book...