Running services with Docker

Docker Compose for local development

The hocs repository contains a Docker Compose file in hocs/docker/docker-compose.yml.

Pull all services

From the project root run:

$ docker-compose -f ./ci/docker-compose.yml -f ./ci/docker-compose.elastic.yml pull

The docker image for the data is stored in AWS ECR, to pull it you will need to set up
an AWS profile and then run one of the following (depending on your AWS CLI version):

AWS-CLI v1.*

$ $(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --profile acp-ecr)

AWS-CLI v2.*

$ aws ecr get-login-password --region eu-west-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin

To be able to pull the image you need to be in authorised to do so.
This is in the ACP Hub in the Docker repos section.

AWS credentials are stored in the ACP hub, under your “Connected Identities” section.

Start typical services and the frontend

From the project root run:

$ docker-compose -f ./ci/docker-compose.yml up -d frontend

With Docker using 4 GB of memory, this takes approximately 2 minutes to startup.

From the project root run:

$ docker-compose -f ./ci/docker-compose.yml -f ./ci/docker-compose.elastic.yml up -d frontend

Docker will need more than 4 GB of memory, or for developing against elasticsearch just start localstack:

Start localstack (sqs, sns, s3)

From the project root run:

$ docker-compose -f ./ci/docker-compose.yml -d localstack 

With Docker using 4 GB of memory, this takes approximately 2 minutes to startup.

Start localstack (sqs, sns, s3, es)

From the project root run:

$ docker-compose -f ./ci/docker-compose.yml -f ./ci/docker-compose.elastic.yml up -d localstack 

With Docker using 4 GB of memory, this takes approximately 5 minutes to startup.

Stop the services

From the project root run:

$ docker-compose -f ./ci/docker-compose.yml -f ./ci/docker-compose.elastic.yml stop

This will retain data in the local database and other volumes.

Stop and remove containers, networks, images, and volumes,

From the project root run:

$ docker-compose -f ./ci/docker-compose.yml -f ./ci/docker-compose.elastic.yml rm -vfs

This will remove the local database and all data.

Start individual services without any dependencies

From the project root run:

$ docker-compose -f ./ci/docker-compose.yml up --no-deps casework 

Use of .env file

The docker-compose file has variables for the image tags. This allows the use of a .env file.
By default, latest will be used. The following is an example of a file overriding some services:


The HOCS_DATA_REPO can be one of:

  • hocs-data
  • hocs-data-wcs