Summary as of Wednesday 29 April 2020
Sprint 56
Just Done
- Planned research sessions for testing PIL E designs
- Content for PIL E journey
- Working software - named people contacts report
- Optimising performance and resource provision
- Working software - warnings when removing things from protocols
About to Do/Doing
- Preparing discussion guide for testing PIL E designs
- New PPL question for users transferring animals within an establishment
- Allow more that one more NACWO/NVS per area
- Working software - PPL continuation
Bugs Fixed this week
The following bugs were fixed this week. Bug Fixes week to Wednesday 29 April 2020
We planned the following issues in this sprint Sprint 56
Support tickets and known issues
Click here for metrics / progress against plan
Our goals for the previous sprint were:
- Set up PIL E Research [Done]
- Design - Prototype PIL E user journey [Done]
- Agree approach for Training and Education PPLs [Done]
Our goals for the upcoming sprint are:
- Multiple people on SOP
- Design Adding training modules to people’s profiles
- User Research complete PIL E research