Summary as of Wednesday 28th June 2023

New Features

Named Person journey

We are still recruiting for our research sessions on the Named Person journey, we welcome users of a variety of experience. A big ‘thank you’ to all who have particiapted already in one of our reseearch sessions!

Don’t forget to check out our roadmap to see what’s coming next to ASPeL.

Completed Sprint: 132 (Manatee)

Sam Farkas (NOAA Photo Library), CC BY 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Completed in Sprint 132 (Manatee)

*Reviewed content for named person applications *Updated the prototype for last research participant session *Prepared and added research finding to the PIL E new features *Reviewed PIL-E journey content with developers in preparation for development

Bugs Fixed this Sprint

The following bugs were fixed in this sprint. Bug Fixes week to Wednesday 28th June 2023

New Sprint: 133 (Numbat)

Martin Pot (Martybugs at en.wikipedia), CC BY 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons The numbat is a small, distinctively-striped animal between 35 and 45 centimetres (14 and 18 in) long, including the tail, with a finely pointed muzzle and a prominent, bushy tail about the same length as its body

Planned for Sprint 133 (Numbat)

1) Implement the PIL E Design based on information received form research participants 2) Complete preparation for Named Person research. 3) Find a fix for the deployment issues that have been affecting the testing environment. 4) Review handover from Marvel team on Named Person and start an implementation plan.

Things to bear in mind

Let us know how we are doing in keeping you informed. We appreciate your feedback on the content of this report.

Work in progress

Support tickets and known issues

Link to Support Board


Link to our new Roadmap