Summary as of Wednesday 27 October 2021 (Cow)
Sprint 96 (Cow)
Just Done
- Concluded research sessions into showing digital previews of draft licences for ASRU, task list filters and task search (user research)
- Designs to allow ASRU access to data around overdue RAs and RoPs. Updated designs for task list filters (design)
- Allow ASRU users to search tasks - note, this is being tested in a private beta before a full release (working software)
- Update ASRU email addresses in notification emails (working software)
- Add extra metadata about named person roles when displayed in task lists (working software)
About to Do/Doing
- Analysis of research sessions (user research)
- Reviewing permissions around PPLs being submitted and reporting around task performance metrics (design)
- Resolve known issue with experience fields being properly displayed in task views (working software)
- Reporting of overdue RA and ROPs (working software)
Bugs Fixed this week
The following bugs were fixed this week. Bug Fixes week to Wednesday 27 October 2021
We planned the following issues in this sprint Sprint 96
Support tickets and known issues
Click here for metrics / progress against plan
We set the following goals for sprint 96 (Cow)
- Review permissions around submitting PPLs (design)
- Improved visibility of overdue ROPs and RAs (working software)
These were the goals of sprint 95 (Bonobo)
- Task search in working software (working software) [Done]
- Summarise findings from testing task list changes with inspectors (user research) [In progress]
- Iterate task list designs following research (design) [In progress]