Summary as of Wednesday 26 August 2020
Sprint 65
Just Done
- Iterated the retrospective assessment submission flow - design
- Developed a high level journey map for publishing the RAs and NTSs - design
- Accessibility improvements to colour contrast - design
- Iterations to managing additional availability designs, the contact us page and ASRU’s staff directory - content design
- Accessibility improvements based on results of initial audit - working software
- Application process for Category E PILs (ongoing) - working software
- Improvements to activity log views in tasks - working software
- Migration to new deployment infrastructure which provides much improved time-to-live for critical fixes
- Addition of visual regression testing to improve reliability by reducing risk of unintended side effects when deploying changes
About to Do/Doing
- Building out a detailed flow for publishing RAs and NTSs, reviewing the earlier PPL assessment work - design
- Iterations to the NTS digital review and exploring changes to general comments fields - content design
- Continued work on Category E PIL application, endorsement and grant process - working software
- Improvements to UI and user journeys around PPL statutory deadlines - working software
Bugs Fixed this week
The following bugs were fixed this week. Bug Fixes week to Wednesday 26 August 2020
We planned the following issues in this sprint Sprint 65
Support tickets and known issues
Click here for metrics / progress against plan
These are the goals for the current sprint:
- Design - Publishing process for NTSs and RAs
- Dev - Apply for Cat E PILs
- General - Accessibility improvements