Summary as of Wednesday 24 November 2021
Sprint 98 (Emu)
Just Done
- Feedback sessions with PPL holders on the new returns of procedures process in ASPEL - user research
- Scheduled a session with inspectors to explore the compliance process for informing the solution for compliance flags in ASPEL - user research
- Revised wording for PPL expiry emails encouraging applicants transferring animals to a new licence to submit timely applications - design
- Initial exploration into non-compliance flags needs and requirements - design
- Required maintenance on ASRU prototypes - design
- Fixed issue with new protocols not triggering change indicators on PPL amendments - working software
- Removed comments from inspector licence previews - working software
- Updated trigger for non-purpose-bred schedule 2 species - working software
- Added “downloaded at” timestamp to PDF documents - working software
About to Do/Doing
- Analysing user feedback from the returns of procedures sessions - user research
- Preparing for the compliance research session - user research
- Working with ASRU to explore options for safeguarding animals moved between sites of an establishment - design
- Working with ASRU to explore adding new species categories to the ASPEL ROPs form - design
- Developing our approach for non-compliance flags - design
- Supporting access to 2022 ROP submissions - working software
- Adding reporting of numbers of tasks assigned to inspectors - working software
- Updating permissions around submission of PPL applications and amendments - working software
Bugs Fixed this week
The following bugs were fixed this week. Bug Fixes week to Wednesday 24 November 2021
We planned the following issues in this sprint Sprint 98
Support tickets and known issues
Click here for metrics / progress against plan
We set the following goals for this sprint
- Make changes to PPL application submission process - release candidate
- Explore compliance flags - user research and design
We set the following goals for the previous sprint
- Conduct ROPs user research sessions [Done]
- Design new PPL submission flow [Done]
- 2022 Rops release candidate - [In progress]