Summary as of Wednesday 24 March 2021
Sprint 80 (Marmot)
With only a team of three developers working on ASPeL at the moment, the focus remains on building the end-to-end RoPs journeys. This will only become available to users once the entire journey is complete, but behind the scenes we have built the ability to submit a RoP, and we’ve begun work on the global consolidated access to the RoPs data. This consolidated data will only be accessible by a select few users (the stats team and specific RoPs inspectors). Individual RoPs will be available to anyone who has permission to see the project, and an establishment-level consolidated view will be available to ASRU and relevant establishment users. We’ll be working on these components of the RoPs journey, and others, in the coming weeks.
Just Done
- First release of ROP submission journey - working software
- Fixed issue with accented characters in CSV (comma separated value file) exports not rendering correctly in Excel - working software
- Fixed issue with RA dates not being set on paper PPL conversions - working software
- Defined data export formats for ROPs to feed into stats team processing pipelines - working software
About to Do/Doing
- Provide Docx (Word) downloads of previous versions of PPL applications - working software
- Consolidated views of submitted ROPs - working software
- Data export of completed ROPs - working software
- Improvements to name filtering in establishment profile lists - working software
Bugs Fixed this week
The following bugs were fixed this week. Bug Fixes week to Wednesday 24 March 2021
We planned the following issues in this sprint Sprint 80
Support tickets and known issues
Click here for metrics / progress against plan
Roadmap Visualisaton (Experimental)
Our goal for the current sprint is:
- Download a consolidated RoPs report - working software