Summary as of Wednesday 22 January 2020

Sprint 50

Just Done

  • Working software - Build pages in ASRU-facing service to provide billing data for establishments including the number of billable PILs and total value of fees for each establishment. This includes the ability for ASRU users to use discretion to waive fees for PILs in certain circumstances as well as the ability to export fee reports as CSV documents.
  • Working software - Allow ASRU users to correct the issue date on granted PPLs in cases where the issue date is incorrect. This can be the result of migrated data from “old ASPeL” or paper licences which have been converted to digital versions.
  • Design - Make Licence Headers consistent
  • Adding more contextual information to PPL headers
  • User Research on Returns of Procedures with the Business Support team
  • Shared user research findings for 5-year PIL reviews with the team and ASRU. A design iteration will follow, to address the user experience issues identified, before the process is incorporated into the system.

About to Do/Doing

  • Working software - transfer a PIL between establishments
  • Content Design - review and improve email notification content
  • User Research with inspectors, general feedback and discussions of redesign of assessment sessions

We planned the following issues in this sprint Sprint 50

Support tickets and known issues

Link to Support Board

Support board - cached

Click here for metrics / progress against plan

Sprint 50

Post Release Roadmap

Our goals for the previous sprint were:

  1. Update content [In Progress]
  2. Billing - working software (ASRU only) [Done]
  3. Design - NTS pdf download [Done]

Our goals for the current sprint are:

  1. Dev and Design - improve PPL downloads
  2. User Research - engage with inspectorate on a number of issues
  3. Content - updates

Sample Design Prototypes

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