Summary as of Wednesday 21 July 2021

Sprint 89 - Velociraptor

By Nobu Tamura -, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Weekly summary

This week we welcome our new product manager to the team. Due to the ASRU Change Programme, the focus of our work is changing, and we are in the process of creating a new roadmap. That said, RoPs remains our immediate focus, and we now have a very short list of known RoPs issues remaining, that we will resolve this sprint.

Just Done

  • Tested the reusable steps designs with two inspectors (user research)
  • Initial designs for inspectors review of repeated steps (design team)
  • Start exploring small design improvements to reduce scrolling and improve navigation in PPLs (design team)
  • Addressing known issues with ROPs (working software)
  • Fixed bug with rejected projects (working software)
  • Made rejected projects recoverable (working software)

About to Do/Doing

  • Documenting the findings from the 2020-21 inspector feedback review to inform the roadmap (user research)
  • Minor design improvements to RoPs (design team)
  • Continuing to address further issues arising from ROPs private beta trials (working software)

Bugs Fixed this week

The following bugs were fixed this week. Bug Fixes week to Wednesday 21 July 2021

We planned the following issues in this sprint Sprint 89

Support tickets and known issues

Link to Support Board

Support board - cached

Click here for metrics / progress against plan

Sprint 89

Post Release Roadmap

We set the following goals for this sprint

  1. Address all known Return of procedures issues (working software)
  2. Test reusable steps components with inspectors (user research)
  3. Design option for improving task views for ASRU (design) Velociraptor

These were the goals for the previous sprint

  1. Prepare for testing of reusable steps with inspectors (research and design) [Done]
  2. Resolution of ROPs issues raised by stats team (working software) [In progress]

Screenshots of new working software

Recover a PPL amendment which has been rejected

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