Summary as of Wednesday 20th November 2024
Future research and recruitment
Thank you for your continued involvement in user research – your participation is integral to understanding the user experience on ASPeL. The research on ASPeL features continues. Please contact our user researcher to participate. Thank you.
Completed Sprint 150 (Echidna)
Fun facts about Echidna: Echidnas like platypus are the only known mammals that reproduce by laying eggs.
Completed this Sprint: 150 (Echidna)
1) Mark indinvidual species as endnagered in RoPs 2) Spike, which represents a deep dive, to determine the updates needed on the ASPeL Schema or database structure 3) Our User Interface designers have produced a design for one GA standard protocol as a start on the Project licence improvements. 4) Our User Researcher has completed an analysis of the content available on ASPeL based on the recent work done with users on ‘named persons’. 5) PIL E MVP 1-Course purpose (HE or Training) is done but awaits further testing before it can be released to users.
Bugs Done or Closed this Sprint
There were no bugs fixed this Sprint, however, we continue to work on finding a permanent solution to the Change Highlighting issues,the date issues and the data inconsistencies currently affecting some users while exporting RoP data from ASPeL.
New Sprint: 151(Fairy Wren)
Fun facts about Fairy Wren: Some species eavesdrop on other birds to determine when predators are nearby.
Planned for this Sprint 151 (Fairy Wren)
1)Release to users the RoP Endangered species and associated follow up tickets that are done and waiting to be tested 2)Release to users the PIL-E MVP 1 iteration1 (HE or T purpose) and related tickets 3)Complete further named person work (Release MVP 1, Deploy start of MVP 2 hidden by feature flag, Report on NP tasks) 4)Continue the upgrade of ASL schema 5)Release fixes for ASSB tickets (Date errors, RoP exports, Update establishment names in protocols, DOCX training record discrepancies)
Things to bear in mind
Kindly let us know how we are doing in keeping you informed. We appreciate your feedback on the content of this report. We are always looking for external testers for new features on ASPeL, should you be interested, please get in touch using this email.
Work in progress
1) All outstanding change highlighting errors within ASPeL such as ‘changed flag displayed when no change has been made’, date validity issues, and data errors.