Summary as of Wednesday 19th April 2023
New Features
Corporate Establishments is now Live! Every Establishment License will now either be categorised as ‘Corporate PEL’ or ‘Individual PEL’.
Corporate PELs have a Named Person Responsible for Compliance but will also now be required to provide contact details for an individual legally responsible for the company or organisation (such as a company secretary).
Individual PEL Establishment Licenses have a PEL Holder, who is the legally responsible person.
Don’t forget to check out our roadmap to see what’s coming next to ASPeL.
Completed Sprint: 128 (Iguana)
Completed in Sprint 128 (Iguana)
- Corporate Establishments feature now live
- Interactive Prototypes for Category E licenses
- Discovery into Return of Procedures improvements
- Discovery into how to improve Project License Application experience
- Discovery to validate bringing project assessments online
Bugs Fixed this Sprint
The following bugs were fixed in this sprint. Bug Fixes week to Wednesday 19th April 2023
New Sprint: 129 (Jackal)
Planned for Sprint 127 (Jackal)
- Usability testing for new Category E license experience
- Improve and speed up deployments
- Design for online project assessments
Things to bear in mind
We are still researching! We’re interested in speaking with Establishment License Holders and Administrators who deal with Category E Training & Higher Education licenses.
Jackals are crepuscular, most active at dawn and dusk.