Summary as of Wednesday 18th December 2024

Future research and recruitment

Thank you for your continued involvement in user research for ASPeL– your participation is integral to understanding the user experience. The research on ASPeL features continues. Please contact our user researcher to participate. Thank you.

Attribution: [User:Jaganath, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons](

Fun facts about Fairy Wren: Some species eavesdrop on other birds to determine when predators are nearby.

Completed Sprint: 151(Fairy Wren)

1) We implemented PIL E improvements, based on feedback, which included functionalities for: a)creating detailed course purpose for both Training and Higher Education, b)mandatory fields, c)hint texts, d)a word count limit on free text fields, and e) ensuring that course purpose displays in the PIL-E personal licence screen. 2) We created a wordcount component which we can reuse for all ASPeL free text fields 3) Based on feedback, we simplified the RoP procedure response to ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ -on the question-‘is this an endangered specie?’ 4) We got NACWO and NVS guides published in 5) We completed the first iteration of our improvements to Named Persons nominations with - Training record details. 6) We enabled endangered species CSV download on ASPeL

Bugs Done or Closed this Sprint

Bugs Done or Closed 25092024

New Sprint: 152(Grizzly Bear)

Attribution:Dwayne Reilander, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Fun facts about Grizzly Bear: Meriwether Lewis and William Clarke: first described them as grisley, which could be interpreted as either “grizzly” (i.e., “grizzled”—that is, with grey-tipped hair) or “grisly” (“fear-inspiring”, now usually “gruesome”).

Planned for this Sprint 152 (Grizzly Bear)

WE will; 1) Continue work to improve licencing data description for annual reports 2) Continue ASL Schema updates to improve ASPeL internally 3) Continue improvements to the establishments page on 4) Ensure animals already cited as endangered in RoP remain cited in other parts of the process for consistency. 5) Standardise authourisation for rehoming and set free to improve efficiencies in time and effort for users. 6) Continue Named Person improvements 7) Make NTS publishing improvements 8) Design a single GA Standard protocol 9) Insert a link from a Named Person application page to the guides stored on the site, for users’ convenience.

Things to bear in mind

Kindly let us know how we are doing in keeping you informed. We appreciate your feedback on the content of this report. We are always looking for external testers for new features on ASPeL, should you be interested, please get in touch using this email.

Thank you for your support in 2024, enjoy your festive break and looking forward to seeing you all in the New Year!

Work in progress

1) All outstanding change highlighting errors within ASPeL such as ‘changed flag displayed when no change has been made’, date validity issues, and data errors.

Support tickets and known issues

Link to Support Board)

Compliments of the season

The ASPeL team wish you all, the very best of the festive season and a Happy New Year!