Summary as of Wednesday 18 December 2019
Sprint 48
Things to bear in mind
- This is a slightly strange sprint because of the Christmas break, the new sprint will start on Wednesday 8th January 2020
Just Done
- Working software - re-work of notifications to users
- Testing of 5 year PIL review designs with 3 establishments
- Design - changing a PPLs start date
- PEL Assessment workshop
About to Do/Doing
- User research - feedback to team findings from 5 year PIL review testing with users
- Desing - add training and education PPL questions
- Working software - PPL compare versions overlay - expance overlay
Bugs Fixed this week
The following bugs were fixed this week. Bug Fixes week to Wednesday 18 December 2019
We planned the following issues in this sprint Sprint 48
Support tickets and known issues
Click here for metrics / progress against plan
Our goals for the current sprint are:
- User Research - 5 year PIL review
- Development - improve notifications
- Design - PPL Improvements