Summary as of Wednesday 18 March 2020
Sprint 54
Just Done
- Hint text to PPL title to encourage lay titles
- Improvements to PIL landing page content to help users make PIL transfer requests
- PIL review date now shown on PDF
- Update to permission level naming (Personal - basic, Intermediate - overview, Admin - PEL holder delegate)
- ASRU can now search by licence number in Licence fee lists
- New content to all emails for granted/amended licences saying there may be design modifications to the printed licences made in the future as we continue to improve the layout. This won’t affect any granted authority
About to Do/Doing
- User research - rerun the external customer satisfaction survey
- Design PPL assessments for amendments
- Working software - 5 yr PIL review landing page
- Working software - 5 yr PIL review PIL at my establishment list
- Working software - NTS print view
Bugs Fixed this week
The following bugs were fixed this week. Bug Fixes week to Wednesday 18 March 2020
We planned the following issues in this sprint Sprint 54
Support tickets and known issues
Click here for metrics / progress against plan
Our goals for the previous sprint were:
- PPL transfer - working software [In Progress]
- Digitise Paper Licences - working software [In Progress]
- Iteration of PPL assessment designs [In Progress]
Our goals for the current sprint are:
- PPL transfers - working software
- Digitise Paper Licences - working software
- Content Design - Improvements to Named People assignment
- Rerun external user satisfaction survey