Summary as of Wednesday 17th May 2023
New Features
Category E Licenses
We are now testing prototypes for the new PIL E experience. We’re interested in speaking with Establishment License Holders and Administrators who deal with Category E Training & Higher Education licenses. Please get in touch if you’re interested in taking part.
Don’t forget to check out our roadmap to see what’s coming next to ASPeL.
Completed Sprint: 130 (Koala)
Completed in Sprint 130 (Koala)
- Delivered an update to PEL Holder Forum
- Completed first round of PIL E prototype testing
Bugs Fixed this Sprint
The following bugs were fixed in this sprint. Bug Fixes week to Wednesday 17th May 2023
New Sprint: 131 (Llama)
Planned for Sprint 131 (Llama)
- Update the HOLTIF group on product roadmap
- Present research findings of PIL E
- Validate design approach for Named People
- Update the PIL E prototype for next iteration
- Research into Assessment Document Upload
Things to bear in mind
We welcome a new Delivery Manager to the team with handover scheduled for the next 4 weeks. This will complete the transition to a fully Home Office in-house team.
We are still researching! We’re interested in speaking with Establishment License Holders and Administrators who deal with Category E Training & Higher Education licenses.
Differential characteristics between llamas and alpacas include the llama’s larger size, longer head, and curved ears