Summary as of Wednesday 16 February 2022
Sprint 103 (Jackal)
Just Done
- Development specifications for enforcement flags - design
- Improvement: added extra task list filters for PEL tasks - working software
- Improvement: clearer wording on tasks that do not require ASRU resolution - working software
- Improvement: better layout of task search results - working software
- Improvements to profile related tasks to include assigned tasks for ASRU users - working software
About to Do/Doing
- Reviewing refuse a PPL designs - design
- Exploring licence suspensions - design
- Feature: adding internal deadline visibility to task lists - working software
Bugs Fixed this week
The following bugs were fixed this week. Bug Fixes week to Wednesday 16 February 2022
We planned the following issues in this sprint Sprint 103
Support tickets and known issues
Click here for metrics / progress against plan
We set the goals for this sprint
- Investigate requirements for suspend a licence - design
- Release candidate for new metrics - development
The goals for the previous sprint were
- Get enforcement flags ready for development (user research and design) [Done]
- Reporting and metrics pages - release candidate (development) [Carried over]