Summary as of 15th May 2019
Sprint 33
Just Done
- Demonstrated editing of authorisations and conditions on PPL applications
- Planned user research on views of granted PPL licences
- Finalised and organised IT health check
About to Do/Doing
- Design views of granted licences
- Develop working software for PIL amendments
- Conduct user research on non-User-generated-content at ASRU conference
Things to be aware of
- ITHC (IT health check) will start in the next week
Click here for Prioritised Road Map
Prioritised Road Map (Cached Image)
Click here for metrics / progress against plan
Week 1 - Sprint 33 - Release 1
Burnup Chart
Links to Project Risks in Trello Link to Risk Chart
Sprint Planning
- We planned the following issues in sprint planning today Link to Issues in Jira (Cached Image)
Our goals for the previous sprint were:
- Conditions and Authorisations [In progress]
- Design ready for PIL amendments [In progress]
- User Research and Design PEL holder authorisation of PPL [Not started]
- Plan research - views of granted PPLs [Done]
- Plan ASRU conference and roadshow [In progress]
Our goals for the sprint are:
- Test views of granted PPL
- Test Non-User-Generated-Content at ASRU conference
- Working software PIL amendments
- Design PIL and PEL conditions and authorisations
- Design views of granted licences