Summary as of Wednesday 14 April 2021
Sprint 82 (Ocelot)
Weekly Summary
This week the developers have continued to build out the flesh around the RoPs submission skeleton, which is now working end-to-end. We remain on course to release the RoPs submission functionality within ASPeL this summer. Work has also been ongoing to move the PPL expiry notifications, which have previously been sent by letters, into our email service. These notifications alert PPL holders to the upcoming expiration of their licences and tell then what necessary actions are required. We will be ready to release this change soon.
Just Done
- Add reason for RA to the NTS/RA Digital and PDF versions - working software
- Download of “Master” RoPs list - working software
- Track ASRU exports of ROPs and allow re-download of previous exports - working software
About to Do/Doing
- Provide ability to collapse protocol subsections at the end of the protocol - working software
- ROPs summary report: overview tab and establishments tab - working software
- Send expiry notifications for PPLs - working software
Bugs Fixed this week
The following bugs were fixed this week. Bug Fixes week to Wednesday 14 April 2021
We planned the following issues in this sprint Sprint 82
Support tickets and known issues
Click here for metrics / progress against plan
Our goal for this sprint (Oceleot) is:
Send expiry notifications for PPLs
Our goal for the previous sprint (Narwhal) was:
ROPs end-to-end journey - released to production [Done]