Summary as of Wednesday 13th December 2023
New Features
We have added filters to the task list screen for category E licences (Personal licence for education), this helps separate PILs from PIL E for example when an Inspector or HOLC search for either licence types. Watch out for Further development work on the PIL E in the New Year.
We also updated the permissible purposes for the previously separated education and training options in the ROPs, by merging them into one item ‘Higher education Or Training’, making sub purposes unavailable for the category.
Future research and recruitment
Thank you for your continued involvement in user research – your participation is integral to understanding the user experience on ASPeL.
We are planning to restart the research on the Named Persons journey in the New Year. If you are interested in taking part in this work, or any future work related to ASPeL, please contact Rachel Cholerton, Senior User Researcher, at
Don’t forget to check out our roadmap to see what’s coming next to ASPeL.
Leafy seadragon interesting fact: The lobes of skin that grow on the leafy seadragon act as camouflage, giving the appearance of seaweed.
Completed this Sprint 138 (Sea Dragon)
- Share and get ASRU approval on PIL-E design/copy deck (Confluence)
- Share and get approval on HBA transfer design/copy deck
- Draft copy for intention to refuse - PEL and PIL
- Show and Tell - Intention to refuse journeys
- Create a PPL licence with the ‘refused’ status tag in ASPeL dev
Bugs fixed this Sprint
There were no bugs fixed this sprint. Please bear with us as our Developers work through the bugs reported on the support board. Thank you for your patience.
New Sprint: 139 (Tapir)
The Tapir interesting fact: The tapir can grow up to 2m and is an excellent swimmer.
Planned for Sprint 139 (Tapir)
1) Complete the Named Person Research 2) Complete the PIL E development tickets 3) Complete the upgrade of the test runner 4) Fix the Resuable Steps bugs
Things to bear in mind
Let us know how we are doing in keeping you informed. We appreciate your feedback on the content of this report.
Work in progress
1) Intention to Refuse journey amendments 2) Update the anitbody generation conditions for all PPL applications using antibody testing.