Summary as of Wednesday 13 November 2019
Sprint 46
Just Done
- PIL Animal types selector refactor
- Add new establishment, working software
- Billing research with ASRU Business support
- Billing research with Establishments
- Arranged to attend AWERB meetings
- Holistic review of notifications for non-ASRU users
About to Do/Doing
- Design - show ASRU and establishments a list of the active PILs in a financial year
- Working software - Apply for and grant PEL
- User research of AWERB for lay people
- Working software - ASRU amends establishment details
Bugs Fixed this week
The following bugs were fixed this week. Bug Fixes week to Wednesday 13 November 2019
We planned the following issues in this sprint Sprint 46
Support tickets and known issues
Click here for metrics / progress against plan
Our goals previous sprint were:
- 5 year PIL review design [In progress]
- New PPL optimisation - working software [Done]
- Organise UR for establishment billing [Done]
Our goals for the next sprint are:
- Design invoicing
- Research AWERBs
- Working software - transfer a PIL between establishments