Summary as of Wednesday 13th March 2024

Future research and recruitment

Thank you for your continued involvement in user research – your participation is integral to understanding the user experience on ASPeL. The research on the Named Persons journey continues.

Don’t forget to check out our roadmap to see what’s coming next to ASPeL.

Completed Sprint 141(Vicuña) Rixxo at the English-language Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Vicuña Fun facts- DNA has suggested that the Alpaca is a descendant of the Vicuña. The vicuña’s long, woolly coat is tawny brown on the back, whereas the hair on the throat and chest is white and quite long.

Completed this Sprint: 141 (Vicuña)

1) Analyse user’s feedback for Named person solution 2) Update the ‘Antibody generation’ condition for all PPL applications using antibody testing 3) Develop ASRU’s Named Person skills and experience assessment criteria 4) Write design tickets for PIL-E journey 5) Design a solution for animals being kept alive at the end of protocols 6) Add the 2025 Bank Holidays to ASPeL 7) Design ideas for presenting NACWO skills and/or training requirements 8) Reviewing project type license in pre-prod 9) Nightly notification script failing with OOMKilled 10) Analysis and write up - NP round 1 research 11) Add licence fees for 2024-25 financial year 12) PPL consolidation and prioritisation 13) Named person service map 14) ‘Keeping animals alive’ updating designs 15) Hide fees for next financial year until 6th April

Bugs Fixed this Sprint

Bug Fixes week to Wednesday 13th March 2024

New Sprint: 142 (Wallaby)

Attribution: By John Hill - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Fun facts about Wallabies: Wallabies have a very strong tail used for support and balance.

Planned for Sprint 142 (Wallaby)

1) Get ready for the Named Person research 2) Change pink flag and what’s changed issues on PPL 3) Fixing comments not showing on reusable steps 4) Initial discovery work on the PPL protocols by PM and User Researcher

Things to bear in mind

Let us know how we are doing in keeping you informed. We appreciate your feedback on the content of this report.

Work in progress

1) Add HBA to transfer journey

Support tickets and known issues

Link to Support Board