Summary as of Wednesday 08 April 2020
Sprint 55
Just Done
- Working software - add PPL collaborators (within an establishment)
- Working software - PPL: Removed NMBA question from every step and improved ‘fate of animals’ questions
- Design - widen PPL reading panel
- Design - Adding multiple NACWOs to an area
- Design - allowing users to add NACWOs to areas without raising tasks for ASRU
- Content design NTS keywords
- Blog post for GDS
- We presented the Animals in Science case study at the cross government service design virtual meet up. Our work was very well received. Quote: ‘That talk was amazing - an absolute masterclass in how to do big transformation from a legacy system. So many things I want to share with product managers in my dept.’ Senior Interaction designer, DWP
About to Do/Doing
- Working software - NTS print view
- Working software - add training and education PPL questions
- Working software - new user permission level - block user
- Planning user research for category E PILs
- Content design - show tasks related to an entity
- Design - reduce scrolling on long PPL responses
- Design - Category E PILs
Bugs Fixed this week
The following bugs were fixed this week. Bug Fixes week to Wednesday 08 April 2020
We planned the following issues in this sprint Sprint 55
Support tickets and known issues
Click here for metrics / progress against plan
Our goals for the current sprint are:
- Add PPL Holder Training
- Category E PILs - Design
- ASRU Reporting
- Plan Category E PIL research