Summary as of Wednesday 07 July 2021
Sprint 88 (ulysses butterfly)
Just Done
- Summarised findings from testing reusable steps with external users - user research
- Reviewed previous research for PPL inspector review and assessment - user research
- GDPR housekeeping - user research
- Early design concepts for making reviewing steps on protocols faster for ASRU - design and content design
- Updated task processing workflows and permissions to allow inspectors to grant licences and amendments for PPLs and PELs - working software
- Retain task assignments when returning tasks - working software
- Updated species options for PPLs and ROPs - working software
About to Do/Doing
- Updating digital consent form to follow the latest HO template - user research
- Reviewing outstanding PPL improvement requests from inspectors and applicants - user research
- Content for email notifications to establishments for PIL E licences - content design
- Developing design concepts for ASRU review of reusable PPL protocol steps - design
- Implementing PPL rejection journey - working software
Bugs Fixed this week
The following bugs were fixed this week. Bug Fixes week to Wednesday 07 July 2021
We planned the following issues in this sprint Sprint 88
Support tickets and known issues
Click here for metrics / progress against plan
These are our goals for the current sprint
- Prepare for testing of reusable steps with inspectors (research and design)
- Resolution of ROPs issues raised by stats team
These were our gols for the previous sprint
- Inspectors can grant licences - working software [Done]
- Initial designs for reusable steps with inspectors - design [In progress]
- Complete testing of reusable steps with external users - user research [Done]