Summary as of Wednesday 05 August 2020
Sprint 64
Just Done
- Initial prototype for submitting a retrospective assessment - design
- Prototype testing for retrospective assessment submission - user research
- Initial content for submitting a retrospective assessment - content design
- Make the success pages more reliable - working software
- Aliased shortened names in people search - working software
- Highlight changes in PIL amendments - working software
- Route PPL amendments via admin user for approval - working software
- Fix issues with T&E PPL document outputs - working software
- Include applicant training in PPL applications (in progress) - working software
About to Do/Doing
- Improvements to the retrospective assessment journey and NTS - design
- Improvements to content for submitting a retrospective assessment - content design
- Enable creation of a training course with Cat E PILs - working software
- Improvements to PPL application/review interface - working software
- Change PPL submission process to have admins declare AWERB process complete - working software
- Category E PILs - working software
Things to be aware of
- We need to publish our accessibility statement by 23 September as outlined here
Bugs Fixed this week
The following bugs were fixed this week. Bug Fixes week to Wednesday 05 August 2020
We planned the following issues in this sprint Sprint 64
Support tickets and known issues
Click here for metrics / progress against plan
These are the goals for the current sprint:
- Design - NTS Improvements
- Create a training course with Cat E PILs - working software
- Iterate RA prototypes - content design
These were the goals for the previous sprint:
- Design and Content - Prototype for submission of a retrospective assessment [Done]
- Working Software - Training profiles [In Progress]
- User Research - complete prototype testing for RA submission [Done]