Summary as of Wednesday 03 June 2020
Sprint 59
Just Done
- Fixed diff views on completed tasks - working software
- Initial designs for handling PPL applications that have passed their statutory deadlines
- Improvements to task activity history - design
- Cat E PIL journey for existing PIL-Holders - content design
- Test training profiles with establishment users, licensing officers and inspectors
About to Do/Doing
- Show tasks related to licences and profiles - working software
- Record of historic licence holders and named people - design
- Standardising success message content so there are fewer variations to manage - content design
- Cat E PIL journey for existing PIL-Holders - content design
- Make it clearer how users remove animal/POLE/additional establishment/objectives from PPL protocols - working software
- Summarise findings from training profiles user research
Bugs Fixed this week
The following bugs were fixed this week. Bug Fixes week to Wednesday 03 June 2020
We planned the following issues in this sprint Sprint 59
Support tickets and known issues
Click here for metrics / progress against plan
Our goals for the current sprint are:
- Working software - show tasks related to a licence
- Design - manage statutory PPL deadlines
- Content - review success messages
- User Research Cat-E with existing PIL holders