Summary as of 2nd October 2019
Sprint 43
Just Done
- Working software Restrospective Assessment conditions
- Summarised findings for 5 year PIL review
About to Do/Doing
- PPL submission approval - working software
- PIL Transfers between establishments - Design
- Planning user research for testing PIL and PPL transfers with establishments and ASRU
Bugs Fixed this week
The following bugs were fixed this week. Bug Fixes week to 2nd October
We planned the following issues in this sprint Sprint 43
Support tickets and known issues
Click here for metrics / progress against plan
Week 1 - Sprint 43 - Release 1
Our goals for the last sprint were:
- User Research for Category E PILs [Done]
- Explore PPL/ PELH approvali [Done]
Our goals for the current sprint are:
- Transfer PILs and PPLs between establishments, UR & Design
- PPL Approval - working software