Summary as of Wednesday 01st November 2023

Don’t forget to check out our roadmap to see what’s coming next to ASPeL.

Jessie Eastland, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

The RoadRunner interesting fact- Roadrunners are one of the few animals that prey on rattle snakes and tarantula hawk wasps.

Completed this Sprint: 137 (Roadrunner)

1)Design for fees screens to show PIL-E licence numbers

2)Create a PIL journey to demonstrate the application journey to a prospect.

3)Gain information re: ASPeL data sources for planned MI work.

4)Fix hint text for PIL and PEL task screens.

5)Write development tickets for HBA upload in PPL transfer journeys.

6)Draft copy for HBA upload in PPL transfer journeys.

7)Draft copy for intention to refuse - PEL and PIL.

8)Show and Tell - HBA upload in PPL transfer journeys.

Bugs Fixed this Sprint

The following bugs were fixed in this sprint. Bug Fixes week to Wednesday 01st November 2023

New Sprint: 138 (Leafy Seadragon)

James Rosindell, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Leafy seadragon interesting fact: The lobes of skin that grow on the leafy seadragon act as camouflage, giving the appearance of seaweed.


Planned for Sprint 138 (Leafy seadragon)

1) Restart work on ROPs Compliance issues 2) Finish off the PIL E tickets. 3) Finalise the ‘intent to refuse journeys’. 4) Begin Named Person work. 5) Get the knowledge transfer done. 6) Complete the upgrade of the test runner.

Things to bear in mind

Let us know how we are doing in keeping you informed. We appreciate your feedback on the content of this report.

Work in progress

Support tickets and known issues

Link to Support Board